Design, edit, optimize and publish professional-quality GIF animations.
Create and edit banners, buttons, backgrounds and other GIF animations
Import pictures, photos, vector graphics and cliparts
Define animation effects like zoom, fade or blur
Add text, shapes, gradients
Resize, crop, rotate and edit bitmaps
Add 3D look with drop shadow, glow and other effects
Optimize GIF animations
Export animated GIFs and add them to your website
6 years on the marketDownload Link:http://tinyurl.com/2ryj36
VIP Organizer is a personal time and task management software to organize your home and office. It is a powerful organizer tool which helps you to organize everything in a to-do list and track progress of your personal and business tasks. It is a day organizer, planner, notepad and reminder combined in one full-featured application.
Key features:
* Export of Task List to MS Excel, HTML, XML, Text and CSV formats
* Multiple Database management
* Tree-structured category system
* Intuitive interface
* Flexible task grouping
* Extended printing capabilities
* Full-featured RTF editor
* Advanced reminder (Message, Sound and E-mail)
* Visual tracking of tasks status
* Recurrence tasks setting
* Task Sorting and FiltrationDownload Link:http://tinyurl.com/2j2w5u
High tech computer crime and industrial espionage on the Internet of 2010! Uplink is a computer game released in 2001 by the British software company Introversion Software. On 23rd August 2006, it was made available for purchase on Valve's Steam service. You play an Uplink Agent who makes a living by performing jobs for major corporations. Your tasks involve hacking into rival computer systems, stealing research data, sabotaging other companies, laundering money, erasing evidence, or framing innocent people. You use the money you earn to upgrade your computer systems, and to buy new software and tools. As your experience level increases you find more dangerous and profitable missions become available. You can speculate on a fully working stock market (and even influence its outcome). You can modify peoples academic or criminal records. You can divert money from bank transfers into your own accounts. You can even take part in the construction of the most deadly computer virus ever designed. Uplink by Introversion Software, at first glance looks like something you would put back on the shelf at your local game store. This game has no fancy graphics, no thrumming hard hitting soundtrack, no one shot kills, and no massive armies at your disposal to conquer worlds. Do not be decieved!! If you did put it back, you would be missing out on one of the most creative, enticing and compelling games to grace a hard drive. Uplink is simply a game about the player versus the world. Everything is fair game, and anything can be had... if you are good enough. Toss aside those other shallow games that get stale after a few weeks, and get ready for a real challenge! Uplink focuses on emulating highly stylised, Hollywood-esque hacking, as seen in movies such as Hackers, Sneakers, WarGames and Swordfish. References to these movies can be found throughout the game, including joke servers for companies such as Steve Jackson Games (which appears to have been raided by the Secret Service) and a nuclear missile control system from WarGames. It also features at least two references to the movie Sneakers. One of which can be found in the first version of the game (and was later removed in an update released by Introversion) which is a cheat code in which the user has to enter TooManySecrets as the username thus allowing him to access a cheat menu. This is a reference to the film Sneakers (an anagram to the phrase "Setec Astronomy") The game has a certain number of unusual features, including an in-game IRC function to talk to other players and a "multimonitor" function which allows the player to play the game over two screens, using a LAN connection to another computer running the game. This feature is often mistaken for multiplayer by some, due to the fact that in the original versions it was mislabeled 'Network'. Changes in version 1.54: - Fixed : Negative amount of money being deposited in bank accounts. - Fixed : A problem with selecting the Defcon world map or not. - Fixed : An exit crash involving Gateways. - Fixed : Remaining crashes due to IRC. - Added : 'Retire agent' option to the login screenDownload Link:
Super Utilities offers 27 strong tools for speeding up, maintaining. fixing and protecting your PC. Comprising four focus modules designed to do everything from cleaning your Registry to removing spyware infestations. Super Utilities is a megamart of system-maintenance tools designed to keep your computer running smoothly.
Super Utilities’s integrated suite of programs can get your system running at peak performance levels in few minutes.
Key Features:
· Disk Cleaner:Find and remove debris that has been left behind on your system by untidy programs, system freezes and sudden system restarts.
· Registry Cleaner:Clean and fix your registry to improve your PC’s performance.
· Uninstaller Plus:Uninstall a program,remove invalid uninstaller information left on your computer and hide special uninstall entries to avoid other users from uninstalling programs .
· StartUp Manager:Add, remove, disable, and enable all of the programs that should start with each Windows session.
· Memmory Tubro:No matter how much RAM you have, this smart memory management program will keep your computer running better, faster, and longer.
· Folder Guard:Hide your private files and folders from other users of your computer, to restrict access to important system files and protect them from damage.
· Tracks Washer:Cleans up all your tracks left by Windows, browser and many other programs.Protect your privac,save storage space and improve performance of your computer.Download Link:
Interactive, vector-based animations is a snap. Produce complex animated graphics with images, shapes and text using more than 130 built-in animation effects like Fade, Zoom, Rotate, Fly and more. Flash Designer exports SWF files in Macromedia Flash? format, and HTML code necessary to integrate the animation with your Web page. It also offers basic editing tools to modify any image, resize it, add objects etc. Selteco Alligator Flash Designer enables you to create interactive Flash animations for your Web site with minimum skills required. A preview browser allows you to display your animation exactly as it will appear on the web before saving it. Novice users can export HTML code necessary to integrate Flash files with their Web page. Create Flash content in 5 minutes with the World's Easiest Flash Tool: - Create slide shows, menus, banners, buttons, presentations, intros and interactive forms - Import photos, screenshots, Flash cliparts and animated GIFs - Draw shapes, add text, gradients and bitmaps - Create clickable hotspots inside your Flash movie - Insert video files - Play sounds in the background or assign them to different events like clicks - Apply animation effects to each object - Export Macromedia Flash files (SWF) and add them to your web site - Use ActionScript 2.0 to handle your own events Flash Designer Concepts: - Shapes - Sprites - Animating Objects - Tween Animations - Text Animations - Customizing Buttons - Interactivity - Working with Text - Bitmaps - Gradients - Transparent Flash Movies - Clipping Paths - SoundsDownload Link:
REAPER is a powerful but sensible Windows application that lets you record, arrange, edit, and render multi-track waveform audio. It provides an extensive set of features, but is a very small and lightweight application (the installer is less than 1 megabyte, and includes many effects and a sample project). REAPER supports ASIO, Kernel Streaming, WaveOut, and DirectSound for playback and recording. It reads WAV, OGG, and MP3 files, and records WAV files. You can arrange any number of items in any number of tracks and use audio processing plug-ins (DirectX and Jesusonic). REAPER also supports volume, pan controls and envelopes per track, multi-layer undo/redo, and user creatable color themes. Basic features: - Support for an unlimited number of audio tracks - Audio tracks are all fully routable (multiple inputs, outputs) - Volume, pan controls and envelopes per track - Supports audio processing plug-ins (DirectX, DXi, VST, VSTi, and Jesusonic) with automation, easy chain manipulation and editing - ReaPlugs: high quality 64 bit effect suite - Pitch shifting and time stretching - Fast, reasonable and usable Windows-style UI, working well on both low and high resolutions or multiple monitors - ASIO, Kernel Streaming, WaveOut, and DirectSound support for playback and recording - Reads WAV, OGG, MP3 and MIDI files, records WAV and MIDI files - Direct multi-track recording to many formats including WAV/BWF/W64, AIFF, WavPack, FLAC, OGG, and MIDI. - Can render to WAV, OGG, MP3 if lame is installed - Full SMP support (can utilize 2 or more processors) - Multi-layer undo/redo support - Basic MIDI editing support - User creatable color themes - Portable - supports running from USB keys or other removable media - 64 bit audio engine - Excellent low-latency performance - Multiprocessor capable - Supports a wide range of hardware (nearly any audio interface, outboard hardware, many control surfaces)Download Link:
A file manager is, at its simplest, a utility program which presents lists of files and allows the user to perform actions of some kind on those files. File managers are useful for moving files between folders, making backup copies of files, viewing pictures and playing sounds, running other utility programs on lists of files, deleting unwanted files and many other "housekeeping" tasks. Directory Opus goes beyond the simple file manager metaphor, and offers you a complete replacement for Windows Explorer and many other utility programs for handling FTP, ZIP, viewing files and images, running slideshows and more. It provides you with all this within a user-friendly and fully-configurable environment within which you can access and manage your important data with a minimum of effort. Harness the power of your computer like never before! New features in Directory Opus 9: • Vista Support: Vista contains a protective layer of routines known as UAC which prevents unauthorized access to parts of your system. Opus fully supports the Microsoft methods for accessing this system. For example, Opus will display the UAC prompt in most situations when it is required. UAC support in Opus has improved over that offered in Windows Explorer. For example, in Explorer if you create a new folder in a protected location (like Program Files), and then rename the newly created folder, you will get four separate confirmation dialogs. In Opus, you will just get one! • New Explorer Replacement Functionality for Vista and XP: In order to support Explorer Replacement under Vista it has been necessary to change the way this mode is implemented. Now when Explorer Replacement mode is enabled double-clicking on a folder in ANY Explorer window will have the effect of opening in Opus. Previously, double-clicks only opened in Opus from the desktop. If you already had an Explorer window open and double-clicked on a folder in there it would read into the existing Explorer. • New XML-based Configuration: In Directory Opus 8, most configuration information was kept in the registry – only Toolbars and some other settings were stored on disk. In Directory Opus 9, all configuration is now stored on disk in XML format. • New Configuration Backup & Restore System: - Full Backup & Restore configuration allows you to move configurations between machines easily. - Export to USB Flash Drive: Opus 9 takes advantage of the disk-based nature of the new Opus configuration system and allows you to export your Directory Opus installation (including program, certificate and configuration) to a USB flash drive. The program will then run as a self-contained entity from this flash drive on another system, without modifying the registry or hard drive of the host. If you select a U3 drive, Opus will be exported as a U3 package and can be installed using the U3 LaunchPad software. If you select the standard USB device icon, Opus will be exported directly to the drive in non-U3 mode. • New Sub-Collections: The File Collections system now supports sub-collections (that is, collections within collections). Creating a sub-collection is straight-forward – simply use the CreateFolder command to create a folder inside an existing collection. You can move files and folders between collections and sub-collections as normal. Sub-collections behave exactly like collections. • New Breadcrumbs-style Location Field: A new “breadcrumbs”-style Path field is available in the commands list in Customize as Path Field (Breadcrumbs). It provides a hierarchical view of the current path, as you can see from the picture above. Each element in the path is a button that can be clicked to go immediately to that level of the path. Files can also be dropped on the elements. The arrows following each path element can also be clicked to display a popup menu of the contents of that folder. • New ‘Find-As-You-Type’ Field: Opus has a new special "find-as-you-type" field in Listers and in the text viewer. It is similar to the one in Firefox and can be controlled by an option in Preferences. When you begin typing in a Lister a search box now appears at the bottom showing you what you are searching for. Scrolling to the item in the Lister still happens as before - the method is the same, only the interface has changed. The search field turns red if there is no match. • New Custom List View Code + Tiles Mode: Directory Opus 9 replaces the old system with a new custom icon display. The four traditional icon modes are all still present, and for the most part should be indistinguishable from the previous version. However, the annoying issues with the old icon modes are gone and the performance of the new code is significantly improved. The scrolling of Listers has also been improved greatly – scrolling with the mouse wheel is now accelerated, and details/power mode now have smooth scrolling which greatly enhances the effect of scrolling through Listers. The custom list view code has also made possible the addition of a Tiles Mode. This is similar to the mode introduced in Explorer in Windows XP, but with a number of options not offered in Explorer. From Preferences you can configure the Tiles display completely. The size and spacing can be altered; the frames and background color of individual tiles (turn off frames and the background color altogether to emulate the look of tiles mode in Explorer); choose whether or not thumbnails are shown in Tiles mode; configure the information displayed beneath the filename on a per-file type basis through the File Types system. • New Advanced Rename Enhancements: The Advanced Rename dialog has had a number of improvements, the most noticeable is the addition of a Script mode. • New Preferences Editor Improvements: Significant improvements based on user feedback include replacing the old List/Tabs interface by a new Tree view making it much easier to see which pages are available. At the bottom of the Preferences dialog there is a new Filter field. This lets you search for Preferences items matching a specified string, making it much easier to locate items than before. While many of the Preferences pages are similar to those from Opus 8, there have been a large number of changes and improvements made. Many dialogs use a new toolbar-style button system for easier control to Add/Delete/Edit items. Overall the Preferences system is more logically laid-out and easier to use for both new and old users. • Removal of Layout section in Preferences: The old Layout sections in Preferences was the cause of some confusion and has been removed. Instead, now there is just the Default Lister concept. This concept existed in Opus 8 but it was always confused with the options in Preferences. • New Customize Editor Improvements: The Customize dialog has been improved and includes a menu bar, the contents of which change depending on the current tab. In the Commands tab the menu contains Export and Import commands when the User command category is selected, providing a simple way of sharing User commands with others. • New FTP Address book: The FTP section of Preferences has been split out into a separate dialog with a menu to make configuring the address book easier. The menu also contains Import & Export commands. • New Flickr™ Synchronization: Opus now includes a Flickr Synchronization tool that makes it easy to keep your local photo collection in sync with your Flickr account. Flickr Synchronization is based upon File Collections (this is one of the main uses for the new sub-collection ability). • New ImageShack® Image Upload: Directory Opus now features a built-in ImageShack upload utility. ImageShack is an image hosting service that (with some obvious exceptions) lets you upload and host any image for free. • New Command Parser Improvements: The command parser in Opus has been significantly improved. Perhaps the biggest change is that all the control sequences (like {file} etc) can now be used with the internal command set, without resorting to DOpusRT tricks. There are also a number of new control sequences. • New Custom Toolbar Icon Sets: Opus now allows you to use different icon sets. A new Preferences section in Display - Toolbar Icons allows you to import and choose which sets to use in a hierarchical fashion. • New Support for Links/Junctions: Opus now includes support for links/junctions. The Type column will display the type of link and the Description column will now show the target of junctions (and soft-links under Vista) as it does for shortcuts. The file functions know about junctions too - for example, Delete will not recurse into a junction or link to delete the contents, but instead will just delete the junction. GetSizes doesn't include the size of linked folders in its calculations, etc. • Plus many many changes and improvements in performance and functionality.Download Link:
VG Anti-Virus has been protecting computers around the world for more than 12 years! AVG for workstations provide comprehensive antivirus protection for personal computers. The unique combination of detection methods (heueristic analysis, generic detection, scanning and integrity checking) ensures that your computer receives the maximum protection possible on multiple levels (Resident Shield, Email Scanner plug-ins, Personal Email Scanner, On-Demand and other tests, etc.). It is available as AVG Professional Single Edition for single workstation protection and AVG SoHo Edition (Small office - Home office) for home or small offices. Highlights include: - Automatic update functionality - The AVG Resident Shield, which provides real-time protection as files are opened and programs are run - The AVG E-mail Scanner, which protects your e-mail - The AVG On-Demand Scanner, which allows the user to perform scheduled and manual tests - The AVG heueristic analysing monitor - Free Virus Database Updates for the lifetime of the product - AVG Virus Vault for safe handling of infected files - Great customer satisfaction!Download Link:http://tinyurl.com/32sxts
Ashampoo AntiSpyWare protects you comprehensively against the full spectrum of new malware (malicious software) threats that you are exposed to on the Internet. Ashampoo AntiSpyWare can monitor and protect your computer continuously. A little background program checks every suspicious file for potential hazards before it is opened, making it impossible for Trojans to install themselves on your computer. Ashampoo AntiSpyWare is a brand-new tool. Building on existing solutions combined with intelligent new strategies and algorithms it provides exceptional protection against spyware and other malware. Its advanced heuristic search and analysis system can actually identify and block new and unknown threats before they can do any damage. Ashampoo AntiSpyWare combats all these new threats for you, including hijackers, dialers, spyware, worms, adware, Trojans, keyloggers and even highly-dangerous "rootkits". For maximum protection Ashampoo AntiSpyware can update the spyware “signatures” it uses to identify known threats every day. You can set this to be done automatically and the program comes with a full year of free daily updates. In addition to known threats the program’s advanced heuristic analysis can also identify unknown malware by its behavior and block it before it does any damage. That’s what we mean when we say complete protection. Features and tools: - Comprehensive protection: Guards you against hijackers, dialers, spyware, worms, adware, Trojans, key loggers and even rootkits - Set it and forget it: Activate the AntiSpyware Guard and automatic updates and relax in the knowledge that you are well protected round the clock - Automatic cleaner and real-time monitoring of the entire system - Daily signature updates: Daily updates of the ?signatures? for identifying known threats for maximum safety - Protection against unknown threats: Advanced heuristic analysis identifies and blocks unknown threats on the basis of their behavior - Quarantine: Put suspicious files in quarantine to protect yourself without having to delete them completely ? they may be harmless - Multilingual user interface: Run the program in your own language - Rootkit Detector: Can identify the highly-dangerous new ?rootkits? that can even hide malicious software from virus scanners - AutoStart Manager: Identify and disable unwanted auto-starting programs - System Processes Monitor: Check running processes and stop them if necessary - Internet Cleaner: Delete all traces of your surfing trail - File Wiper: Permanently delete files and folders - IP Spam Blocker: Stop annoying popup spam on your desktop Technology highlights for the experts: - Heuristic analysis: Advanced new algorithms for identifying unknown threats by their behavior - Memory scan: Detects and blocks active threats - Kernel-level protection: Ensures fully gapless monitoring - Full system scanning: Scans and cleans the Windows? registry as well as files and system areas - Patch proof: Strong signatures prevent malicious patching attempts - Archive scanning: Scans files packed and hidden in compressed archives - DLL Trojans: Secure detection and deletion of DLL Trojans - Crypters and binders: Identifies malware cloaked with crypters and binders
Download Link:http://tinyurl.com/2jr5ne
Game Accelerator is an all-in-one game optimization tool that allows you to play your games at the best level of performance possibleDownload Link:http://tinyurl.com/3yfedc
VSO PhotoDVD is the best DVD Photo Slideshow Software to create DVD's from your photos. Watch your pictures on any home DVD player. Share your digital pictures on a DVD with friends or family. VSO PhotoDVD animates your images to make a video DVD Slide show. You can add optional soundtracks and comments to your pictures using DVD subtitles. The result is attractive and vibrant. The product is very easy to use and burn with any DVD writer. A wizard style interface lets you define the folders or files where to select the pictures. You can define multiple lists of music files to play in the background, and add up to 3 channels of DVD subtiles. The transitions and animations of your pictures are completely automatic and will enhance the experience of sharing your best memories. Use focus points to highlight the details of your pictures, like the sparkling eyes of your new born baby. You can watch the results on a regular TV or computer using a DVD Player. This format uses the best quality available at the moment. A copy of your source files is stored in the DVD project and lets you keep trace of your digital pictures without quality loss using a computer. Key Features: • Support picture formats: JPG, GIF, BMP, ANI, PCX, EMF, WMF, and more... • Support native RAW format : Canon RAW .CR2, Nikon .NEF, .DNG, Minolta and more... • Supported audio formats for background music: MP3, WMA, OGG, MPC, WAV, APE • Awesome pan and zoom effects • Fullscreen (4:3) and Widescreen (16:9) output • DVD output on DVD-R/RW and DVD+R/RW media (Single or Double Layer) • Specify a focus point for each picture (highlighted by zoom techniques) • Basic picture editing (rotation, black and white or color, etc.) • Up to three subtitles tracks (for different languages) • Up to three audio tracks for different background music • Supports both PAL and NTSC formats • Fast and highgrade MPEG2 encoder • Universal DVD burning engine included • Multilingual support • Optimized for Windows XP and Windows VistaDownload Link:http://tinyurl.com/3xmtt7
Picture Merge Genius is a simple and easy-to-use program for merging your photos, images and pictures. The software can combine multiple pictures into one in different ways, In the new picture you can also set the size and position of the source files.
Picture Merge Genius is useful for computer painters, ebay seller, photographer, designers and family entertainment.
Picture Merge Genius support more than 40 picture file format(JPEG, BMP, TIFF, PCX, PNG, TGA, PBM, PGM, PPM, GIF, VDA, ICB, VST, PIX, WMF, FAX, PSD, PDD, PSP, CUT and PCD etc.).
Download Link:http://tinyurl.com/27cmzt

Photo Frame Genius (Photo Show) is a tool for quick and easy creation of stunning frames, and with help of this programe you can add many different Mask, ClipArt and Shadow effects to photos.
As a specialized tool, Photo Frame Genius has many features:
1. Support the major picture format.
2. allow to rotate, flip, or change the size of the image;
3. apply to effect and correct the image and texture;
4. can add Mask, Frame, ClipArt and Shadow to the photos;
5. create rectangular frames with opaque color or texture outside of the source image;
6. allow to create frames of the different forms and styles inside the source images;
7. allow to apply several frames and effects to the source image simultaneously;
8. set JPEG compression quality;
9. save created image to GIF, BMP, JPEG and PNG - files;
10. allow to print the photoes;
11. Adapt PNG compression technology, the verge of pictures will not be varicolored.
12. Save the Users’setting automatically.
Download Link:http://tinyurl.com/22s4qs
If you’re like most PC users, you’re probably feel that there’s more you can do on your PC other than working. And you know what? Your’re right! In the next 2 minutes, we are going to show you the secrets to turn your PC into a Super TV that lets you experience a whole new world of live TV entertainment and news!
Imagine: Its 5 minutes away from your favorite show on TV. And you’re still stuck in front of your computer with no television nearby. Instead of bringing a TV into your office, what if you could Turn your PC into a SuperTV RIGHT NOW?
Are you feeling that the day is getting too long and you’re falling asleep at your desk? Sneak in a quick energizer. Let us show you how to use your PC to catch a comedy just to brighten your day, update yourself with a quick news clip, or watch your favorite artist’s music video at a click of a button!
Sick of the same old shows, same old channels on TV every single day? Tired of watching reruns? Hey, there’s only so much variety with that little number of channels available to you.
You may not realize it yet, but there is a better alternative to boring TV. How would you like Instant Access to
# 1000+ channels and clips
# The Latest Movie Trailers
# The Hottest Music Videos
# Shows from Around the country and Around the World
# ….And Much More!Download Link:http://tinyurl.com/2bfktd
MP3Guard is for musicians who want to sell or distribute mp3 files online. This program will encrypt your mp3 files. This includes an MP3 player for playing the MP3 files. Users cannot copy your files.
This program is ideal for musicians who wish to sell their music online. This program works, optionally, with ShareGuard to provide a lock and key system for selling MP3 files.
System Requirements
32 MB Ram, 4.5 MB Free Disk Space
What’s new
Allow for different skins, can optionally save MP3 files upon registration.Download Link:http://tinyurl.com/2huwva
Real Spy Monitor is a Powerful Internet-spy-monitoring tool.Powerful spy-monitoring-security tool, record all your PC actions in stealth, spy on your employees at work and children or family at home
Here are some key features of “Real Spy Monitor”:
Powerful logging features:
· Keystrokes typed - Record all keystrokes typed that include username ( who typed them ), time ( what time user typed them ), windows title ( which windows they were pressed in )
· Websites visited - Record all websites title, websites address, time ( what time user visited them) ,username ( who visited them )
· Windows viewed - Capture every windows title that were active, including username, time, application pathname ( the pathname where the application is )
· Program executed - Track every application/executable filename and its pathname including the time user start/terminate application.
· Screen snapshots - Automatically captures screen shots of the desktop or active window at set intervals.
· Files/Docs accessed - Record the filenames and its pathnames that were accessed by user, including username and time ( what time user accessed them)
and many moreDownload Link:http://tinyurl.com/2ddf69
ArtIcons is an advanced icon utility for Windows. It allows professional and amateur alike to create and edit icon images and manage icon files and libraries.
With ArtIcons you can:
* Create and edit icons in either standard or custom sizes, in color depths up to 16 million colors
* Create and edit icons for Windows XP in 32-bit color depth with 8-bit alpha channel
* Create and store images containing several layers
* Paint images with gradient and chess fill
* Modify images with drop shadow, opacity, smooth, negative, grayscale, colorize, hue/saturation, rotate, roll and mirror effects
* Replace image colors
* Create and manage icon libraries for better and more efficient storage
* Paste images in various graphic formats (ICO, ICPR, BMP, JPEG and PNG) directly into icons
* Export icon images to ICO, ICPR, BMP, JPEG and PNG files
* Extract icons from Windows executables, libraries and animated cursor files
* Extract icons from all files in selected folders and subfolders and save them as icon libraries
* Convert Mac icons to Windows format
* Modify icons inside executables and other program files
* Sort images inside icons and icons inside libraries
* Customize Windows Desktop and folder icons
* Drag and drop files from file shells
* Drag and drop icons between different libraries
* Use English, Spanish, German and other interfacesDownload Link:http://tinyurl.com/2a3ycu
Now with Video, Bootable Discs and MP3 Ripping.
Ashampoo Burning Studio 7 keeps the power and simplicity that made version 6 such a runaway success and adds several major new functions, including DVD video burning, modified copies and bootable discs. These are all functions that users of previous versions have asked for and they make a great program even better.
Video DVDs
Turning your video files into DVDs that you can play on any DVD player has never been this easy. You just select the files you want to include on the disc, select your navigation menu format and burn. All common video formats are supported (WMV, AVI, MPEG, ASF etc.), the program converts them automatically.
Building DVD menus is usually complicated and hard work. In Ashampoo Burning Studio 7 you just select your menu style and the program does all the work, generating the menus and navigation elements automatically. You can choose from several cool animated and static menu styles and preview everything before burning your disc.
You can also burn standard DVD files (VIDEO_TS folders containing .VOB, .IFO and .BUP files) – for example for making backups of existing DVDs or for burning DVD files generated with a different authoring program.
Have you ever wished you could pack more video onto a single DVD? Ashampoo Burning Studio 7 allows you to create DVDs with much more than the standard 120 minutes of video – just add all the files you need, the program automatically adjusts the compression and encoding quality to make it fit.
Modified Copies and Bootable Discs
Now you can include additional files in a copied disc without re-building the entire disc. The unique new Modified Copy function allows you to select additional files and folders that will be inserted into the copy on the fly when you burn the disc.
You can also make modified copies of bootable discs. This makes it much easier to create updated versions of bootable installation discs because you don’t have to go through all the steps of building the disc – everything you need, including the boot image, is already there. The Modified Copy function supports CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs. Download Link:http://tinyurl.com/385rkr
Flash2Video is an easy-to-use, powerful tool that supports the conversion of Macromedia Flash SWF files to AVI (uncompressed/compressed using any available codec include DIVX, XVID) or
VCD, SVCD and DVD compatible MPEG files.
It has the fastest conversion speed in the world! It also supports custom dimensions for exported video.
Without taking any manual operation at the
Flash content, all the conversion tasks can be done automatically. Using this converter, you will get the movie formats you want with excellent image and sound quality!Download Full Version With Crack :http://tinyurl.com/2pldys
VirtualDrive Utility and Burning Suite is more than just a CD/DVD burning program. In addition to the CD/DVD burning features you'll find in most other CD utility packages, VirtualDrive Utility and Burning Suite adds value by giving you two additional features: CD/DVD emulation and hard drive emulation. You can burn anything onto CD/DVD and run PC games and other programs without the actual disc.Download Link:http://tinyurl.com/ypp36uPass: