Real Spy Monitor is a Powerful Internet-spy-monitoring tool.Powerful spy-monitoring-security tool, record all your PC actions in stealth, spy on your employees at work and children or family at home
Here are some key features of “Real Spy Monitor”:
Powerful logging features:
· Keystrokes typed - Record all keystrokes typed that include username ( who typed them ), time ( what time user typed them ), windows title ( which windows they were pressed in )
· Websites visited - Record all websites title, websites address, time ( what time user visited them) ,username ( who visited them )
· Windows viewed - Capture every windows title that were active, including username, time, application pathname ( the pathname where the application is )
· Program executed - Track every application/executable filename and its pathname including the time user start/terminate application.
· Screen snapshots - Automatically captures screen shots of the desktop or active window at set intervals.
· Files/Docs accessed - Record the filenames and its pathnames that were accessed by user, including username and time ( what time user accessed them)
and many more
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